Friday, July 25, 2008

Our Trip To The Bone Yard

Today Barbara and I spent our morning at the National Aircraft Salvage Yard. National Aircraft Salvage purchases aircraft pieces from the military and is our supplier for our scrap metal we use to make our dog tags.

We toured the facility and saw a lot of military planes from the Korean War and the Vietnam War. We also got to purchase the C-130 wing that we will take and create our messages of peace.

This plane served our country well in the VIetnam war. It is just incredible to see the process in action. Who would of thought that these remnants of a war 40 years ago would be used to help build lodging for families of our wounded veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. It is really interesting to know that this planes final service to our country is to help veterans 40 years later.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Deploy Peace Featured on KOLD-TV

Last week was a great week.

Barbara and I were interviewed by KOLD-TV. What a great experience. Dan Marries was the reporter, and he did a great job getting us to relax. We were both so very nervous.

It is so very interesting to see the entire process on how a story comes together. Like most of us, you really do not know what goes into putting together a 2 minute feature each night. Dan and his photographer and intern arrived at my apartment around 2 in the afternoon and left around 3:45. It is amazing that to produce a 2 minute story it took nearly 2 hours, between set up, interviews with Barbara and I, and additional video of us packaging our necklaces.

We are so thankful that KOLD came out and did this. It really helps us get the word out and lets people know about this great opportunity for them to get some cool looking jewelery and raise resources for the Fisher House. Plus our designs are really a big hit and should be worn to honor and support our troops.

During the interview Dan asked was "Why are you doing this?" Well the answer is because we want to help. We wanted to do something to help the families of our soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines be closer to their loved ones in their time of need. We felt that since they were there when our country asked we could be there when they returned. Our partnership with the Fisher House makes that possible. That is why we are doing this and that is why we are honored to give a large portion of our proceeds to this great organization.

Thank you for your support and together we are making a difference. Even if you do not purchase a dog tag when you see a man or woman in uniform thank them for their service. They deserve that and much much more.